Friday, April 11, 2008

Train = Pain

For the past three months Jen has been seeing a personal trainer. This is a free service from our apartment complex. I opted not to begin training when she did, because I wanted to concentrate on training for the half marathon. Now that the half marathon has come and gone, I thougt it was time I started taking advantage of this service.

The first time Jen went to the trainer she could barely walk up the stairs. I, of course, found this absolutely hillarious. Not in a mean kind of way, more in the way where I know what that is like from playing sports most of my life. So nonetheless, she got her turn to laugh at me.

Monday was my first day in training. It was 45 mintues of pretty intense weight lifing. Something I had not done in quit some time. So, we get back the apartment and my arms are so soar I can barely get my shirt off. Raising my arms is literally a painstaking tasks.

Then I go back on Wednesday, and the trainer was like, you were fine after Monday right, since we just took it light. Took it light, my foot, I could barely dress myself after all that. Me being a man responded with, "oh yeah, I'm fine, just a little tight." That was stupid, because then for the next 45 minutes we increased the difficulty of exercises.

Yet for some reason I've signed back up for another pain session today. I don't know if I'm dumb or just stupid. Actually I think its the fact that I feel like I'm actually benefiting from this process. All the while, Jen is conditioned to the point where she is not longer soar after these sessions. If I could get 1/4 as in shape as the trainer I would be doing well. I just keep telling myself that one day my biceps won't fit under my polo shirts. (I don't believe this to be true at all).

Hopefully we both will be back in prime shape for the summer.

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