Monday, October 13, 2008


In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Five Hundred sixteen years later I'm off work because of Mr. Columbus.

It's not the first time I've been off work for this holiday. I worked at a bank in college and also was off on these "random" holidays. However, when you work part time you don't appreciate time off. Fast forward five years since I worked at a bank and I am elated to have off today.

My mom is visiting so it's nice to have an extra day off to hang out with her. Next month I'm off for Veteran's day. I get off ten federal holidays each year. It's pretty much awesome.

So here is to you Mr. Columbus. For sailing the Ocean Blue and discovering this great land of America. Even if it was by accident we appreciate your discovery. I am glad this great nation chooses to honor you today.

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