Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ghetto Games 2020

I was listening to the radio yesterday and heard one of the strangest things since I've moved down here. The mayor of Birmingham wants to petition for the 2020 Olympic games to be held in Birmingham. I assume that if they actually host the Olympics here that Hell will be freezing over sometime in 2021.

I can only imagine how that would even work out. Downtown is the absolute worse place to be. And you want millions of tourist to come and stay in hotels conveniantly located next to the projects. Let's not forget about the dowtown attractions like The Furnace, the local ghetto strip club. Or who could forget about the live sex bar that got shut down last summer. That will really give the French a great impession of Americans.

I'm sure they will be equally impressed at the amount of culture this great city has to offer. The Italians will be at the Olive Garden, the Chinese at PF Chang's, and everyone else can try one of the 700 "steakhouses" in the city.

And then there is the issue of site seeing. You have the zoo, the botanical gardens, a large statue of some trojan warrior downtown and a few golf courses. That is really going to pack them in for the games.

However, for some reason they are trying to have facilities built so we can legitimately host these games. I'll be one of the first to get tickets because I love the Olympics. But I really think Boise Idaho has a better shot of hosting them than Birmingham. Everyone loves a good potato.

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