Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Someone give that guy a bandaid, cause he's cut...

Jen and I take advantage of the gym at our apartment complex. It's decently nice and it's free which is an added bonus. We've made friends with the trainer, and we work out with him about three nights a week. All in all it's a pretty good setup.

Jen and I have both belonged to different gyms in Knoxville. As with all gyms you have certain types of people that tend to frequent the establishment. I'm going to give a brief overview of gym patrons.

The I think the gym is like a bar guy - This is the guy that has all the workout clothes, but is really just cruising for chicks. He can be found occupying various equipment but never actually breaking a sweat.

The I live at the gym guy - This guy is in shape, drenched in sweat, and logging his workout in to some sort of journal.

The guy that talks to much - These are the people that come to the gym with a friend and instead of actually working out, they just stand around and occupy equipment. They work out in pairs and it takes them about 30 minutes to get in a set.

The creepy guy - This is the guy that doesn't look like he belongs, and is usually found groping semi attractive women.

On Monday night Jen and I were working out and we had the talks too much guys in the gym. Of course they were on every machine I needed to get too, and they were discussing gas prices. They were pretty nerdy looking, but apparently they thought they were it.

On Tuesday night there was creepy gym guy. He was about 4ft 8inches tall, and trying to help to women way out of his league work out. They weren't even good looking women, but they were still out of his league. His face was pretty much glued to one of their chests, when he wasn't touching them, and pretending like he was the apartment complex trainer. I think he may have had short man syndrome.

So, those are my pet peeves regarding gym people.

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