As many of you know, after college your weekend typically is not what it used to be. You may go out to dinner or even catch a movie, but late nights are a thing of the past. Well, Jen and I had a late night on Friday....
Friday evening Jen and I heard a strange noise coming from the bushes below our apartment. We didn't think much of it until our neighbor came over and told us it was a stray kitten. At this point Jen and our neighbor (also named Jen) decided that they had to save it. This of course involved me and Matt (other Jen's boyfriend.)
Armed with a broom, two flashlights, a bowl of milk, and some dry cat food the four of us set out to get the kitten. The Jen's wanted to rescue it, take it to the vet, and find it a good home. All this began around 10pm.
An hour and a half later we decided the kitten had outsmarted us. Three college graduates and one almost graduate (Matt) could not outsmart a 9 week old kitten. We tried to coax it out the bushes, we cornered it under a car, we even touched it but no one could get ahold of it. This went on for about two hours.
Distressed and discouraged we thought we would try again in the morning. Saturday morning I took Jen's cousins, ages 6 and 8, to look for the kitten. We heard it under an SUV in the parking lot. Our other neighbor came up and told us how she had left it food and tried to capture it the other night as well. She has a law degree and couldn't outsmart the cat.
Later that afternoon our neighbor along with a few others were able to apprehend the kitten. He has since been to the vet, had his first round of shots, been flee dipped and bathed. He is 9 weeks old and needs a good home. If anyone is interested please let me know. He is very affectionate and is litter trained.
He is also apparently pretty smart. We all realize we are not cut out for animal control. We could not catch this little kitten, but now that we have we want to make sure he has a good home. So apparently it takes a kitten search party to keep me and Jen out on a Friday these days.