Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sick again

Wednesday afternoon at work I noticed that the bank felt exceptionally cold. It is generally cool in our branch but for some reason I was cold, and that never happens. By the time I got home from work I was shivering. It was 98 degrees outside and I had our air kicked up to 80, and was under blankets on the couch shivering. That is when I first realized I was sick.

It turned out I had a 103 degree temperature. I later talked to my mom and we determined the last time I had run a temperature was 7 years ago, my freshman year in college when I had the flu. I thought that maybe I would be able to sleep of this little illness. So I went to bed and woke up Thursday morning feeling even worse and still with the temperature. Unfortunately I had to call in to work again and head to the doctor.

The doctor first thought I had the flu. Yes, the flu in July based on all my symptoms. It turns out it was a bacteria that caused all the same symptoms of the flu. So he gave me some medicine and told me I would feel better in a couple days.

So I went home and started taking the medicine. I noticed no change until Thursday night. That was at the point when my stomach became effected. I wore a trail out to our bathroom. I won't go in to any further detail. So Friday, I still feel bad and now I have this additional problem. The doctor prescribed me some additional medicine to help with the stomach issues.

So Friday afternoon I started feeling a little better and then my stomach started to cramp. Because now I have the exact opposite problem. However, at least I'm getting my strength back. My boss was nice enough to tell me that Saturday at work was covered which I was supposed to work. Nobody really wanted to risk contracting what I have. And I would feel pretty to give it to anyone.

So I've been at home bonding with the dog and the cat for a few days now. They have been really good to keep me company while Jen was at work. Jen has taken good care of me too. I worked at my last job for 2 years and never took a sick day. I've been at the bank three months and I've had to take 3 sick days. I hope they don't start to think I'm illness prone. At least I have the doctors note to prove my legitimacy.

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