Sunday, September 14, 2008

Down at the DMV

Last Monday Jen and I traveled to one of my least favorite places in the city. The Jefferson County Department of Motor Vehicles. We recently traded in Jen's car for a new VW Jetta and we needed to go pay the Alabama taxes on the vehicle.

This trip started out as most other trips to the DMV. Long lines, smelly people and unfriendly employees. We hoped by going later in the day we may avoid some of the long lines. That didn't work out real well.

We had been standing in line for about 30 minutes when Jen looked at me and said "I feel like I'm going to pass out." Ten seconds later I saw her head fall forward and I caught her before she fell to the floor. I brought her down gently to the green and was calling her name. I had her seated upright and was looking her in the eyes calling her name. A nurse ran up and told me to lay her flat on the ground. I was freaking out at this point calling Jen, Jen, Jen....

Three nurses ran up and someone called the paramedics. Jen came to and the paramedics ran tests on her. Luckily all her vital signs were normal and they said it was probable nothing major. However, for me it was scariest thing I have ever been a part of. To see someone you love fall to the ground and not respond to you calling there name is terrifying.

After the fact I realized that my first aid and CPR training was pretty much worthless in a crisis. What is the first thing you are always taught. Designate someone to call 911 immediately. Sadly, this never crossed my mind. Picking Jen up and driving her to the nearest hospital did, but getting there via ambulance did not.

I tried to convince Jen to leave, but she insisted at this point we stay and get our tags and pay the taxes for the car. Everyone gladly let me regain my place in line which was now three spots from the front. We got Jen home and she is feeling fine and back to normal now.

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