Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where were you?

At work today I was emailing my friend Ryan. He brought to my attention that my blogging has decreased. He told me I should blog about 9-11-01 in honor of today.

I've talked with several people about what they were doing on 9-11. No matter who it is everyone remembers were they were when they first heard the news. I was a freshman at UT when I got a call from someone on my cell saying that a plane flew in to the world trade center. I think I was on my way to math class when I first heard about the news. I remember going home and on every channel they just kept showing the video.

It seems weird that was seven years ago. In history books that our kids will read 9-11 will be in it. Today is known as patriot day. For those of you not in the banking industry you should look up the Patriot Act. But we all can say we've lived through a major world event. When my parents were in there 20s Vietnam was taking place and World War 2 was in our grandparents prime.

Just five months before 9-11 took place I visited New York for the first time. I vividly remember the twin towers and how really tall they were. If you've never seen the New York Skyline it is amazing. But those two buildings were taller than anything else in the city. They were an amazing site.

I still feel bad for the people and families that were directly affected by that tragedy. In a way though, it's affected us all.

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