Wednesday, January 14, 2009


51. I have only broke one bone in my life. That bone was my little toe.

52. I broke my little toe while running down a hall and tripping in to a wall. I was running to the room, because my friend Jay informed me there was a good fight on Jerry Springer. I was a freshman in high school.

53. While trying to pick up a girl my junior year of high school I called her the wrong name. I ended up getting a few dates with the girl though. However, I relationship was ended one night when I was told she was too busy making soap to talk to me.

54. I have done the email "breakup."

55. The first time I smoked a cigar it was New Years Eve of the 1999. Adam gave me a cigar to smoke that night. Afterwards I felt really guilty. On my way home I went by Scott's house and sprayed febreeze and cologne all over my clothes. I was not really a fan of the cigar either.

56. I used to go to Cotton Eyed Joe's on Monday nights on occasion in high school. Monday was teen night and me and some of my friends would go there and line dance.

57. I went to Las Vegas my last semester of college and won a grand total of $100.

58. When I was in second grade another kid in my class told me his middle name was Stephen and he spelled it with a ph. I thought that was cool, so I started writing my name like that. My teacher never caught on but my mom was not happy when she realized I was trying to change the spelling of my name.

59. My favorite Holiday is Christmas. I'm going to be that guy with all the lights when I buy a house.

60. To this day I still get presents from my mom for almost every holiday. Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving, Valentines, St Patricks Day, and Easter.

61. I have never smoked a cigarette. (or done drugs)

62. I am a Christian, but I could not name all the books in the Bible if you gave me 50 tries.

63. Jen and I will never be official aunts and uncles, nor will our children have cousins, aunts or uncles.

64. I hate roller coasters that go upside down. I have absolutely no desire to visit places like six flags.

65. I have worn the same size shoes since I was 13. size 14 athletic shoes, size 13 dress shoes. I had really big feet for a middle schooler.

66. While in seventh grade, I accidentally stepped on the back of my teachers shoe and it broke. My teacher was like 65 and was not happy. Mom wrote her a note offering to pay for the shoe. She declined.

67. My first backpacking trip was on January 19, 2005. That was the coldest day recorded that year. We slept in a shelter with it snowing on us, unable to start a fire. It fell to 15 below zero.

68. I probably own more clothes than most girls. I do not however have more clothes than Jen.

69. On any given day I can probably tell you roughly how many calories I have eaten.

70. I hate being called by my last name. There were 3 Steve/Steven's at my first job out of college. So by default I was called Brooks for more than a year.

71. I cannot sleep in socks. I typically don't sleep in pants either, but even on the coldest days of the year I can't sleep in socks.

72. I email Ryan and Kendall from work daily. I can probably count the days I haven't talked to them via email in the past two years by email on one hand.

73. In introduced my friend Scott to his wife. His (girlfriend at the time) introduced me to my wife. If I wouldn't have given my friend Clay, Christy's phone number, he may not have met his wife.

74. I did not eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as a child. I probably eat at least one a week now.

75. I attempted to learn to surf when I was 16 years old one summer at the beach. I rented a surf board. I wasn't very successful with the surfing, but I did try to impress some girls by walking around with the board. On my way to the beach in front of a group of girls I tripped over the leash, dropped the board, and fell on my hands. They were not impressed.

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