Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Man Rules

There comes a point in every man’s life when it’s time to start living by the code. There are certain rules in which men live by and society would not function the same without them. I have compiled a list of rules that I have heard over the years. Not all of these are mine, but I have my contributions in there. I have tried to give credit to those that I learned these rules from. Keep in mind the people who passed the knowledge on to me may not have been the creator, but they were the second best thing – the messenger.


1. No man should use the urinal directly beside another man. – Mike Murphy
a. If trough system is in place, allow proper spacing and eyes on the wall.

2. You can take the last slice of pizza if you paid for it.

3. PBR is only acceptable if it’s the only choice – Matt Waters

4. Fruit is not permissible in beer – Nick Casper

5. If it’s supposed to have an umbrella in it, pour it in a Dixie cup. –

6. At least at one time in your life grow some facial hair
a.“facial hair makes you cool” – Zac Johnson

7. Be able to drive a manual transmission vehicle.

8. Wearing a t-shirt with a cartoon character won’t get you the girl.

9. If it stinks, be prepared to claim it.

10. Don’t date your friend’s ex-girlfriend without approval.

11.It is only acceptable to take the duff (designated ugly fat friend) if your friend is getting the hot girl. – Kendall Roach

12. Don’t make out with your friends girlfriend.

13. There are two times in your life you should dance. Your prom and your wedding.

14. Earrings are permissible for musicians and rappers.

15. Sorority party t-shirts make you cool

16. Back hair should be manscaped before visiting a pool, beach, or lake

17. Never order a steak well-done in public

18. Never talk to your wife or girlfriend in “the voice” in public – Clay Bailey
a.“the voice” is when you alter to you tone to be more appealing and less masculine

These are the ones I have so far. Please feel free to add and contribute as we may make this an ongoing project.


MOOK said...

OMG-I created an account just so I could give you mad props for this one(especially since I am quoted in this) I will try to come up with some more for ya but for now GREAT POST!!

Zac said...

Just a few thoughts.

Number 1 - A code I read about in the Daily Beacon as a young 18 year old that I still abide by to this day.

Number 3 - Even though I don't drink I disagree, PBR is cheap, consistent, and (from what I hear) refreshing.

Number 5 - If it's supposed to have an umbrella in it, and you're drinking probably aren't a man.

Number 6 - I am honored sir.

Number 13 - Addendum, also acceptable to dance anytime a lady is all up ons.

Number 15 - Sorority Party t-shirts don't make you cool, trust me.