Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring time

It's been an interesting week. Went to Atlanta, lost some work employees, and I'm planning on heading out of town tomorrow.

I'm heading home tomorrow after work to Knoxville for the first time in a few months. As we live here longer and longer it seems we go home less and less. I like home, but oddly enough, Birmingham sort of feels like home. Not a permanent I want to live here forever home, but a place we are finally okay with.

I feel more and more removed from Knoxville. Three of my friends bought houses, one just had a baby, and one of my friends is getting married this summer. It's cool how everyone is moving on in life, but weird I'm not in the midst of it. I guess Jen and I are moving on down here. Making new friends and creating a life outside the one we knew for so long.

My bosses are at a big meeting in Chattanooga this week. That's is pretty cool for me because they have tendency to drop in my location unannounced. But today, I was free in clear. Since I didn't have any surprise visitors I honed my skills at the jumble, word search, and mixed clues games located in the comic section of the paper.

I finally sat down and made my NCAA bracket today. I have reluctantly picked a final four of Tennessee, Kansas, Duke, and Texas. Not sure how well that will work out, but anything can happen on any given day.

I'm a week and half out from the half marathon in Knoxville. I ran ten miles last weekend and now have blister on my leg. That has put a damper on my training this week, but I should be ready to go.

So that's me in a nutshell. I'm ready to see Jen tomorrow because she will get home from Vegas shortly before me. I've definitely missed her this week, but I guess me and the cat have bonded.

More entertaining post to come in the future.

1 comment:

Zac said...

Give me a call this weekend when you're in town if you've got the time, it'd be good to see you.