Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dedication to Excellence

Today marks the last day of my first full time job. Almost two years ago I signed on for promotions, opportunity, and the all coveted American dollar. Two years later I’ve found another path to pursue and thus am closing the transportation industry chapter of my life.

The main reason this job appealed to me was the fact that it paid better than all the communications jobs out of college I had been applying for. That and the fact that it’s about impossible to find an entry level PR job in Knoxville. Knoxville is not exactly the hub of mass communications in case anyone was wondering. So, I took the transportation job preparing myself for a future of full of benefits.

I’ve learned some noteworthy skills over the past two years. Don’t get me wrong, this company has helped me and is a big part of why Jen and I were able to get married and move to Alabama together. However, I thought it might be entertaining to list some things that some of you don’t know I do/or can do that I have learned through my job.

1. I can drive a tractor (semi truck) – not fast or on the interstate, but I can shift gears and maneuver one around a parking lot.
2. I can hook up a 26ft truck to an auto trailer – Imagine hooking a boat up to an SUV. It’s basically the same thing except much longer.
3. Be cussed at and not care – Unfortunately the transportation industry is not always known for the nicest clientele. I have been cussed at, threatened, and yelled at for things that had nothing to do with me at all.
4. Explain the difference between tractor brand and engine size – who would have thought the least mechanical person you will ever meet would know about trucks?

So that is some random skills I have that you just never know when they’ll come in handy.

I will take a lot with me from this job, but I don’t plan on stealing any office supplies or boxes. I will miss the people, and the stories from our drivers. I’ll miss our offices form of instant messaging, and the all the funny emails everyone would forward to me because they knew I had time to read them. I will also miss using email like its instant messenger with my friends that don’t work here.

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