Tuesday, April 22, 2008

First Day Jitters

Yesterday was my first day at the new bank job. I had to go to an orientation that was supposed to last all day. To my pleasant surprise the orientation ended at 3pm and we were all free to leave for the day.

I got to the orientation about 15 minutes early. I figured I would used the interview rule of thumb of arriving 15 minutes early for the interview or first day. To my surprise when I arrived all the good seats in the back and on the sides were taken. But guess what seats were available. That's right, the front row dead center, where I absolutely hate to sit. Nonetheless, I sat up there, looking like captain brownnoser on the front row, and being forced to pay close attention to our benefits package and w-4 form process.

Today I went to the branch where I will eventually end up after about a month of various training. Everyone seemed pretty nice, and my boss gave me a rundown of how things were going to work. I found out that I am a salary exempt employee, meaning that whether I work 35 or 50 hours, I get paid the same. However, the beauty of the bank is the fact that they try to keep there employees around 40 hours. Basically, I will get off 1 day at 2:30, a couple days after 4, and a couple days after 5, and two or three Fridays a month I will work until 6. We work one Saturday a month, but there is a possibility that if I work a Saturday I will accumulate vacation time for it.

I don't mind these hours at all, especially since I was previously working until 6pm every night, eating lunch at my desk, and working every Saturday until 3.

Today I had to sit with another lady that has the same position I do. Basically I just sat and watched what she did, and didn't have a clue, considering it was my second day. Nonetheless, it made for an easy but slow day of employment. Tomorrow I have to go to computer training for the next week and a half.

Jen left for Knoxville today. She starts her rotation at the hospital tomorrow, and her new boss does not sound friendly. She was told she would have to work some overnighters and some weekends. That kind of stinks considering she won't be getting paid for any of her time there. She's coming back down here this weekend with my mom, so I'm doing the bachelor thing for the next few days.

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