Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Criminal Part 2

This morning after getting ready for work curiosity got the best of me.

I thought to myself, what if they are going to arrest me? The post card I received stated that they would be coming to your home, office, or wherever they could find you and taking you off to jail.

I'm not the type of person who would do well in prison. I don't eat after people, I don't like shared spaces, I'm not much on a uniform, and I'm certainly not up for any of the number of things I've heard go on behind bars.

Therefore, I decide to call and get to the bottom of this dilemma.

So I call the Austin County municipal court and find out that the post-card is not a hoax and is very real. They ask me the name on the card and they ask me my birthday. After what seemed like an eternity of being on hold I was informed that I infact was not the criminal they were searching.

Apparently someone in their office found my address and mailed the post-card assuming there is only one Steven Brooks in US. They proceeded to ask if I knew this person and I stated that I did not know him, nor had he ever lived here. Finally, after re-confirming I would not be sent to prison, they told me I could disregard the orange post-card.

I sigh of relief came over me, despite the fact that I didn't do anything in the first place. So I can rest at ease in my home and not behind those iron bars.

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